Practice Area B

How To Request Benefits

Report Your Job-Related Injury Or Disease Immediately!

To qualify for workers' compensation benefits, you must report your job-related injury or disease to your employer IMMEDIATELY. You could lose all benefits if you wait longer than 60 days to report your injury.


Tell Your Employer About Your Injury Or Disease!

You should tell your employer when, where, and how the injury happened. If possible, help your employer fill out your "First Report of Injury or Illness" form. The employer should file this notice with the Industrial Commission. If your employer declines to do so, file the form yourself.

If your employer does not have the "First Report of Injury or Illness" form, call the Industrial Commission at (800)950-2110 or you can download the form here:


Report ALL Injuries Even Minor Injuries.

To protect your right to receive workers' compensation benefits, you MUST report any job-related injury or disease to your employer.